Friday, December 16, 2005

Am excited...

...about Radio 3's A Bach Christmas. Have always had quite a fondness for Bach - I guess it's the fact that he's a particularly "left brain" composer, which gives me a lot of hope. The things that I most admire and enjoy are expressions of creativity, but I organise my thoughts and process in a very rational, orderly way (I organise my surroundings to compensate for that!). But Bach makes me realise that order and precision, with his patterns and sequences, can be very creative things.

My love of our public broadcasting service is at an all-time high at the moment, having recently realised just how good radio is. Having grown up being force-fed Radio 4 I hated it until I rediscovered it whilst at university when I began many a Monday morning having been up all night finishing a deadline with a good dose of the Today programme followed by Start the Week with Paxman. But I've recently been enjoying 2 and 3 too. A bit of Breakfast on BBC1 in the morning is always good to start the day with. Anyway, got to go now. News Quiz time...


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