Thursday, September 14, 2006

Hotting up

This article is a blow to the global-warming skeptics. It amazes me the number, particularly in the US, of normally sane (and admittedly less-sane) folks who are so blinkered on this situation. Partisanship surely plays a significant role in this situation though. The US is so polarised on this issue - and democrat poster boy, past-presidential (and potentially future-presidential) candidate Al Gore writing a book and making a film about the impending dangers will convince some, but for many republican supporters it will put sensible science into the same category as the rantings of Michael Moore. However, research such as this only adds to the overwhelming evidence that solar variation theory falls a long way short of accounting for the global temperature rises seen over the past decades.

Maybe the US government could recruit South African health minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang (aka "Dr Beetroot") to peddle their dodgy science. Come to think about it, ex Iraqi Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf must be looking for a job...


At 11:53 PM, Blogger Emma Andrews said...

Hey Si,
Hope you had an awesome day and honeymoon! Any chance of photos?? Heard fab reports, sorry we couldn't be there but be assured thoughts were with you from down under!!!!! Love D & E.xx


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